Sunday, April 1, 2012

Search Engine Optimization Or Social Media Marketing? Who Has ...

Internet marketing has become an undisputed necessity for moving ahead in the race of?
web business. With the ever changing trends of the Internet, the online marketing?
techniques have also gone through many changes. Search engine optimization (SEO) and?
social media marketing (SMM) are two effective tools of online marketing. It is a matter?
of debate among many people as to which tool is better-SEO or SMM? ?Well to start with,?
there are many technical differences between SEO and SMM but in an overall sense, they?
are used for the same purpose i.e. promoting the businesses online and increasing their?
web presence. It depends on the type of business as to which tool will suit better.

Social media marketing has emerged as one of the engaging components of Internet?
marketing. It is an excellent tool for creating word-of-mouth recognition and is ideal?

for non-product driven business. Social media marketing is perfect for those who are?
keen on getting quick traffic and quick brand recognition. Blogs are the ultimate?
platform to create the right kind of buzz for marketing. Positive buzz can generate a?
good number of potential customers. Sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc can be?
used to the hilt for creating brand awareness of the business. Constant updates, posts,?
tweets etc will keep you connected to your audience. Promotion can also be done by?
uploading relevant videos in sites like YouTube. The ultimate essence of social media?
marketing is to create the right kind of buzz and reach to the target audience at the?
right time using the right means.

Search engine optimization on the other hand is more beneficial for the product driven?
businesses. SEO is focused on increasing the overall position of the business in the?
search engines so that visitors can find them and can visit their desired site thereby?
increasing traffic. When proper SEO techniques are used, a good lead generation is?
possible. Writing a good content with the relevant set of keywords is essential for?
proper optimization of a site. Having said that, it should be noted that social media?
sites are included in the search engine results but it is not the same, the other way?
round. So in a way, SEO is a broader concept than SMM.

The final conclusion is that it is hard to specify which one is better, because?
ultimately both are indispensable part of the Internet marketing strategy. The best way?
is to have a website which is well optimized and it reaches out to its customers through?
various social platforms like social networking sites or by writing out blogs related to?
the sites. At the end of the day it all depends upon the type of business and on which?
tactics should the focus be given.

By: Shree

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