Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Health or wealth?

You've disturbed a leprechaun and, as is traditional, he's now offering you a wish. In this case, though, you don't have freedom to choose whatever you want, you can only pick from the two options he's offering.

The first option is financial security for the rest of your life. You won't necessarily be up there with Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, but you'll definitely be in the top 10% of wealth in your country. More importantly, you can be certain that whatever happens, you'll never be short of money - so if something goes horribly wrong, such as your house burning down or your car being wrecked, you'll always have the money to replace it. And if you make good use of the wealth that the leprechaun grants you, investing wisely and taking care of what you spend, then you do have the potential to be very wealthy indeed.

The second option is a healthy body and mind for the rest of your life. Again, there's no guarantee that you won't catch the occasional cold or flu, and the leprechaun won't protect you from accidental injury. And, frankly, he isn't going to protect you from the consequences of your own stupidity if you eat or drink too much or fill your body with drugs. But what he can do is ensure that all the parts of your body are in good working order, including your immune system, so if you take reasonable care of your fitness and avoid accidents you can expect to live to reach 100 without any problems and you'll still be active and alert right up to the point at which your body finally wears out.

So, which will you choose? There aren't any other options, since the leprechaun isn't offering any. If you really don't want either then you can simply abstain from choosing.

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