Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Addicted to Astrology: Pisces August Forecast

Addicted to Astrology: Pisces August Forecast

Pisces August Forecast

Get ready for an unpredictable and fast paced month, Pisces. This month features 3 Moons: one on 8/1, a Full Moon in Aquarius; a New Moon in Leo on 8/17, and a second Full Moon on the last day, 8/31 in your sign, Pisces.As the month opens, the first day of August begins with a Full moon in Aquarius. Aquarius is your 12th House of untapped creativity, secrets and your subconscious. As August begins, Mercury is also retrograde in Leo and your 8th House of sex, money and power, Pisces. Let's begin with the Full Moon on the 1st. Since Aquarius rules your 12th House, you could find that you receive news of a secretive nature or gain insight into something very personal to you. It could involve a love relationship or it could involve a secret you have kept - to yourself or a secret someone has kept from you, Pisces. Venus (Love) enters Cancer on August 7th - September 8th. Venus is the planet of love and Cancer is your 9th House of foreign travel, publishing and spirituality. These areas will favor you throughout August and you notice that you take on the qualities of Cancer such as being more nurturing and expressing love for those you keep close to you. This is your month to find love (if single) and coupled Pisces could be taking the next step under Venus in Cancer. Single Pisces can meet someone during this transit. This is one of Pisces most romantic times of 2012, so utilize the transit of Venus in Cancer by making sure you look your very best, attend parties and events to which you're invited and push your personal agenda forwards whether it's a serious relationship, project or something else. You will get the support and love from those whose opinions you admire, especially a Cancer and an Aquarius. You're bringing sexy back, big time, Pisces. Mercury (Communications) begins the month retrograde in Leo and resumes direct motion on the 8th. Leo represents your 6th House of health, wellness and personal nutrition. It also rules your daily work routine and how you choose to earn a living. Once Mercury turns direct, you're free to really begin your month, Pisces. ?Jupiter (Money/expansion and prosperity) continues its transit of Gemini and your 4th House of home, family and the past. The issue of motherhood is also ruled by the 4th House. This year long transit, which began in June, brings about expansion, prosperity and movement into this area of your life. Where Jupiter goes, luck and wishes are granted. You can find that your home life expands and perhaps a serious commitment is made during this time. You may buy a home, sell one (make serious profit or gain from this transaction) or your life with family improves and you realize how priceless your connection is to your home, family life and even your past. Issues revolving around motherhood will be lucky for you as well. ?A New Moon forms in Leo on August 17th. New Moons equal new opportunities. Those Pisces who have worked hard, maintained an optimal level of health and fitness can find this day to be extremely fulfilling. You could get an offer somehow relating to your daily work on this date, Pisces. Leo is all about showmanship, so expect an element of drama and theatrics to accompany offers you receive, Pisces. ?As the month ends, there will be a Full Moon in your sign on the 31st. Full moons for Pisces are always a time when your famous intuition becomes magnified. Neptune (Your planetary ruler) plays a role in this Moon and this can bring about some confusion and uncertainty when it comes to areas very personal and meaningful to you. Avoid conflict and emotions which could dominate anything you learn or hear about on this day. You might feel low on energy, but your intuition will allow you to see the truth. Let it, Pisces. There will be a deeply personal matter on your mind and the?need to confront issues as they arise.???


A Virgo and another Pisces will assist you in more ways than you could ever imagine. ?


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