Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Zombie Games

The Zombie Games

Part I: The History

The year was 2012 when the horde was unleashed on the United States.
It began one frightful summer afternoon. Scientist discovered and created the world's first flesh-eating zombie. The test subject was Anthony Griffin, aka Zombie Zero. Amazingly, due to a fluke in Anthony's blood, the effects only went part way, making him crave humans uncontrollably, but not shutting down his mind, making him what the world thought was impossible in zombies, a thinking zombie.
Trouble began when newspapers and the internet started publishing their discoveries. Teens didn't believe what was going on out in the world and were stupid enough to test the experiment for themselves. Unfortunately, the formula to make a zombie was published as well, and the supplies were everyday, find around the house, chemicals. Well, as the old saying goes: "Curiosity killed the cat." Within a month, there were a hundred reports of cannibalistic attacks all over the country, from Maine to California and everywhere in between. In the next month, that number multiplied by ten. The zombie apocalypse had started.
By December, most of the United States had been conquered, as well as southern Canada and Northern Mexico. The only safe havens in the world were in small towns in rural states, like Manhattan, Montana and Elk, Nevada. The only zombie-free states were Alaska and Hawaii. Zombie Zero had escaped months ago, lost in the crowds of zombies gathered over the states.
Then, ZD-Day came. A group had assembled over the late fall from all over. They were the masters at zombie combat and zombie survival. They knew how to take back their land and defend. They were the ZCC, the Zombie Combat Club. On December 21, 2012, the day the Mayan calendar ended and the end of the world was expected, the United States began to regain control. The ZCC began the fight against the horde on that day and continued to take back what was lost. In five months time, they had taken back the United States.
Well, 96% of it. Despite their efforts, they couldn't reconquer all. Most large cities, like New York and Los Angeles, were unconquerable, due to the extreme number of zombies in those cities. Even though they took back every state, they were said to have only killed 75% of the zombie population off. The UCs, or Unconquerable Cities, were created. These cities were Seattle, WA, San Francisco, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Phoenix, AZ, Denver, CO, Dallas, TX, Houston, TX, Chicago, IL, Detroit, MI, Washington D.C., New York City, NY, and Boston, MA. It is also said that Zombie Zero has hidden in one of these cities, attempting to bring back the zombie nation. The government decided to ignore these cities for the time being until they could find a way to rid them of zombies, inexpensively and effectively.
Five years later, they came up with a cheap, but possibly effective idea to rid these UCs of zombies and kill Zombie Zero...The Zombie Games.

Part II: The Rules

Three teams of two who entered The Zombie Games will start off in three separate parts of New York: Team One will start in Central Park, Team Two will start on top of the Empire State Building, and Team Three will start off on Ellis Island. Each team will be given three articles of protective gear of their choosing per person and two weapons per person from the Armory. Each team will also get three days worth of food and water. The rest, they must find on their own. Each team will also be allowed to bring a gun from home with four clips of ammunition: one locked and loaded, the other three spare, and a melee weapon from home. Again, any other weapon you will have to find on your own. They must fight through the city, killing as many zombies as they can and rescuing as many survivors as they can in the course of two years. While they do so, they must hunt for the infamous Zombie Zero and terminate him. Think of him like a golden snitch in Harry Potter. It is said that defeating Zombie Zero will destroy every zombie that ever existed, allowing the people to fully take the cities once again.
As for scoring, killing a zombie is worth one point, rescuing a survivor is worth 100 points, and killing Zombie Zero is worth 10,000 points. However, there are point deductions. Killing a survivor is a 500 point deduction. Killing a competitor or teammate is an automatic loss for you. The most points at the end of two years or the last surviving team standing is the winner of a million bucks.

Part III: The Zombie

Due to many variations of the zombie protrayal, below are the guidelines of the zombies in this roleplay:
1. Zombies can run.
2. Zombies have dulled senses, but used all together make a zombie an excellent hunter.
3. Zombies have high endurance levels.
4. Zombies will use their teeth first and their hands second.
5. Zombies do have an odor, so unless you are protected for such, your character must be affected by the smell while he encounters zombies.
6. Zombies are dumb, besides Zombie Zero.
7. Zombies are uncoordinated.
8. Zombies can only be killed by corrupting the gray matter in the brain, which it pretty deep inside.
9. It only take a minute before a person infected becomes a zombie.

Part IV: The Protective Gear

Below is a list of protective gear the competitors start out with. Each competitor can choose three:

Goggles: 2 in stock
Gloves: 2 in stock
Nose Plugs: 3 in stock
Shin Guards: 5 in stock
Night Vision Device(NVD): 1 in stock
Elbow Pads: 2 in stock

Survivors who enter the roleplay will have a max of two pieces of protective gear. (No other NVDs)
*Any protective equipment you want your survivor to have that isn't listed above, PM me about it and I will decide if it's allowed or not.

Part V: The Armory

Below is a list of weapons competitors start out with. Each competitor can choose two and one knife:

Zwiehander: 1 in stock
Naginata: 0 in stock
Spear: 2 in stock
Viking Axe: 1 in stock
Mace: 1 in stock
Kukri: 1 in stock
Expendable Baton: 2 in stock
Tomahawk: 2 in stock
Tanto: 1 in stock
Stilleto: 2 in stock
Bowie: 2 in stock
Survivors can have a max of two of these weapons below. All weapons listed below can be found in the city:
Sidewalk scraper
Claw Hammer
Chef's Knife
Frying Pan
Ice Pick
Baseball Bat
*Any weapons you want your survivor to have that isn't listed in the survivor list, PM me about it and I'll decide if it's allowed or not. Guns are allowed, but to a certain extent.
**I do have stats for any of the weapons listed above, dealing with effectiveness, average life span of each weapon, the skill level it takes to wield the weapon lethally, how available they are, and the cost for each. Just ask me and I'll PM them to you.

Part VI: The Characters

Here are the character slots open:

The Competitors

Team One: (Open)

Team Two: (Taken) Brent Taylor played by mariofox

Team Three: (Open)

The Survivors

None yet.

As you see, there are five competitor slots left open. I will not start the roleplay until those five slots are filled. If you're interested in joining, please go to roleplay/the-zombie-games/ I hope you decide to sign up!


jeremy renner justin timberlake engaged bluefin tuna jonestown john dillinger carlos zambrano clemson

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