Thursday, February 16, 2012

California Personal Injury Lawsuits: How Much Money is my Case ...

If you have been injured and want to sue, you?re probably wondering what your personal injury case is worth. Unfortunately, that?s not an easy question to answer. There is no mathematical calculation that can tell you exactly how much money you will receive for your personal injury case. There are a lot of factors that are involved and each case is different. Estimating recovery can be especially difficult because a personal injury case often involves trying to put a dollar amount on things that are priceless.

To get a better idea of what you could recover, contact a California?personal injury lawyer for a case evaluation. The lawyer will discuss your case with you and ask a lot of questions to help you get an idea of how much money your personal injury case may be worth. No lawyer can guarantee that you will receive a certain amount of money for your personal injury claim. However, a lawyer who is knowledgeable about California personal injury laws can explain what you can sue for and how much you could receive for you injury.

California law awards ?damages,? or money, to compensate you for your injury. A California court can award personal injury damages for many things.

  1. Past Economic Loss ? This is money for what you actually spent or lost because of your injury. You can sue for the cost of you medical treatment, any property damage associated with your injury, and the wages you lost while you were out of work.
  2. Future Economic Loss ? This is money for what you will spend or lose in the future because of your injury. You can sue for the cost of medical care that you are expected to need in the future if your treatment is ongoing or if you are disabled from your injury. If you are expected to remain on leave from work, cannot go back to work at all, or need to find a different lower paying job because of your injury, you can sue for income you are expected to lose.
  3. Non-economic Loss ? This is money for the effect the injury has on your life. You can sue for the actual injury, disfigurement, or disability that resulted from the injury. You can also sue for the emotional distress caused by the injury and if the quality of your life has diminished.
  4. Punitive Damages ? This is money to punish the person who caused your injury. Not every personal injury case involves punitive damages. The judge decides if it is appropriate to order a person to pay more money as punishment. Punitive damages may be awarded if you were injured because of someone?s intentional act.

You have the right to be compensated by the person who hurt you. Injury has a serious effect on your life ? whether from a car accident, slip and fall, harmful products, animal attacks, or other action. You need a lawyer who will fight to get you the money you deserve. Speak with a lawyer today about your right to sue.

This information is provided for educational purposes only and does not create an attorney-client relationship. If you need legal advice, please call 619-819-5021 or fill out the form above for a free consultation.


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