Saturday, October 20, 2012

Cartoon Roleplay

Welcome to the land of Cartoons! Everyone likes cartoons....right? RIGHT!? Well. In the Land of Cartoons, the seemingly endless land abounds with strange animated things! There's really no plot, you'll have to make that yourself! Oh fine, I'll give you some locations and events.

Teveliaon:The "planet" all cartoons live on. It is divided into four main continents....Plus some other non-continents.

Anime Highlands: Where most anime live. It's very brutal and only the tough belong. However, it is a major hotspot for many non-anime looking for trade and resources. Inside it, lies many anime locations from animes.(I would list examples, but I don't watch alot of anime.) has the only arena, in which toons can FIGHT TO THE DEATH!...and then come back to life one episode later.

"Modern" plains: This is the home of most technicolor and modern cartoons. Everything is brightly colored and somewhat childish, and other spots are very dark and mysterious. Some locations include Cartoon New York, Various towns such as Danville and the Cul-de-sac, and The Kingdom of Oo.Has a market in which you can buy and sell things.

The Classic Jungle: the homeland of Black-and-white cartoons, filled with jungled areas, vast rivers dotted with steam boats, and some small towns. Includes Mickey's Steamboat, and other stuff......

No man's Land: A vast dark area to the north, infested with various dangerous enemies, some cartoon and some..not so much. Dotted with Various volcanoes, and has one of the Only KNOWN Void portals out there. Also contains a massive graveyard, haunted by Zombie cartoons and various geists and wraiths.

The Static Sea: Contrarary to the name, the sea is made of actual water, not static. Most of the time the sea is calm and suny, but occasionally has stormy and not all. Some locations include Storm-along Harbor, and Bikini Bottom.

SPAAAAAACE: Space. Only stars and the sun really exsist, but no other planets. Various space stations float through the black static abyss.

The Void: The alternate diminsion to the mainworld. It consists of an endless black abyss, covered in the shattered remains of an exploded anti-world. Has all of the main features of the other world, but is in ruins and shards. Everything is a dark black and purple. Only Anti-toons inhabit here.

Walter's Castle: The Self-proclaimed king of Teveliaon's castle, it is made of solid gold and inlaid with various fancy stuff. It rests within Modern Plains.

????:Teveliaon is formed.
0.5 CY(Cartoon Year) Classic Jungle is created, and classic cartoons are born.
16 CY:The Modern Plains are formed, and some of the older Modern Cartoons are created to live there.
50 CY: The Anime Highlands comes into exsistance.
75 CY:SPAAAAAACE is finally reached and established.
100 CY:The invasion of the Void starts.
150 CY:The invasion ends. 1/4 of the continent turns into No-Man Lands and many cartoons are snuffed out.
200 CY: Walter the Aristocroc self-proclaims himself as ruler of Planet, but no one really cares or listens since they govern themselves.
225 CY: One of the Void Portals is rediscovered by a pack of Anime adventurers. Could this mean there are more?

Cartoon Types:

Classic: Black and White cartoons. Generally use signs and screen take-overs to speak, but roughly 50% can speak. They live all throughout the land, but are most common around the Jungle they come from. Also they have stretchy limbs and never die....ever..but they can be severly hurt. Cartoon Physics do not apply, meaning they can pull a lit bomb and huge tools out of a small pocket.

Modern: The colored, fun-loving cartoons everyone loves. they can speak using words, and most cartoon physics don't apply...except they can die, and they can't carry hugemongous tools comparable to their body sizes.

Anime: Generally Japanese, and you should know what anime is. Most Cartoon Physics DO apply, but some can carry giant freaking weapons. Adept magic users. They can bleed and other more graphic stuff.

Anti-toons: Cruel, evil, and just plain nasty. They are like mirrior images of they're non-anti-counterparts, but are all deep dark black, with only glowing purple glowing eyes. They were banished to the Void, and cannot return to the main world, however they are working at it....slowly but surely.

Interested? Great! Here's a CS and some rules!

Have fun!
Please don't godmod.
Keep romance limited.
Use your imagination.
No cursing:
No killing each other, unless in Arena or approved by other roleplayer.

Cartoon Type:
Tools:(Ex. Scissors, hammer, anything that's not weapons)
Description:(If you decide to be your own cartoon.)
Location:(Please use Area:Location design, such as Anime Highlands:Hidden Leaf Village)

Done reading? Good.


stephen hawking marion barry virginia beach jet crash ridiculously photogenic guy amanda bynes dui ghost ship tiger woods masters

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