Sunday, September 30, 2012

Spain debt rises on aid to banks, regions, finance cost

Sat Sep 29, 2012 4:24pm EDT

MADRID (Reuters) - Spain's debt levels are set to rise next year, piling pressure on the government to apply for aid as it pours funds in to cash-strapped regions, an ailing banking system and rising refinancing costs, its budget showed on Saturday.

Spain's debt as a ratio of gross domestic product will reach 90.5 percent by end 2013, according to the document presented to parliament for approval, almost three times that registered before the property bubble burst in 2008.

The budget aims to make savings of around 13 billion euros ($16.7 billion) next year, largely by deepening already unpopular cuts in public sector wages, education, health and social services, fuelling anti-austerity protests.

"This is an austerity budget, but will serve to help us get over this long economic crisis and once again show that Spain is a trustworthy partner within Europe," Treasury Minister Cristobal Montoro told journalists after delivering the budget.

Spain is at the center of the euro zone debt crisis as nervous investors demand ever higher premiums to hold Spanish debt on concerns the government cannot control its finances in the midst of a deepening recession.

Calls by wealthy northeastern region Catalonia for independence and the rising number of demonstrations on the streets of major cities have stoked doubts Spain can fix its problems without help.

Thousands of protesters gathered on Saturday in Madrid's Neptune plaza, between the Prado Museum and Parliament, for a third time this week to vent anger at politicians they accuse of pillaging the welfare state to bail out badly-run banks.

"This has to change. We have to show them we are not an anti-system minority but represent Spain's discontent and we are many. You only have to see the unemployment rate to see that," said state school teacher, Montse, 44, who was at the march with her unemployed husband and 11-year-old daughter.

Unemployment in Spain is more than double the European Union average, with half of all working-age under-26s unable to find jobs and shattered businesses laying off employees they cannot afford to pay.

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has delayed any plea for aid, which would kick-start a European Central Bank plan to buy debt and ease financing costs, though this week has passed reforms and the budget plan in what many see is an effort to pre-empt the likely terms of a bailout.

Rajoy, who said he is considering the conditions behind any aid request, is widely expected to wait until after regional elections in Galicia and the Basque Country before taking any decision.


The budget details spending cuts of 3.1 percent in health, 14.4 percent in education and 6.3 percent in unemployment benefits, as the recession, which began in the first quarter, drags on.

Spain will also slash state funding to commerce, tourism and small, and medium-sized companies by 18.8 percent and infrastructure by 13.5 percent.

The government will increase its reliance on international markets for funding next year, with gross debt issuance requirements of 207.2 billion euros, after budgeting in 2012 for gross issuance of 186.1 billion euros.

The cost of financing its debt, as benchmark 10-year bond yields rise to near unsustainable levels of above 6 percent, is expected to increase to 38.6 billion euros, or 3.6 percent of GDP, in 2013, the budget showed.

The Treasury must pay debt redemptions of 159.2 billion euros in 2013, up slightly from 153.2 billion euros in 2012.

The increase in the debt-to-GDP ratio was due the economic crisis and the effect of state instruments on public accounts, the Treasury said in the document.

The instruments include the power deficit bond programme, FADE, the service provider fund for regional governments, Spain's part in aid granted to Ireland, Greece and Portugal and the recapitalization loan for the country's banks, it said.

Brussels on Thursday said the budget was a large step in the right direction. But many economists expressed doubt Spain's conservatives would be able to raise the cash the budget demanded as pension and debt-servicing costs rise.

"My general view is that this is an optimistic budget, in the sense that predictions for the contraction in 2013 are very optimistic," said Xavier Vives, economist at business school IESE, adding he expected the plans to be revised as with every other budget over the last four years.

The budget is based on the assumption GDP will shrink by 0.5 percent in 2013 year-on-year, though most economists expect a deeper slump.


Spain will meet its 2012 public deficit target as dictated by European guidelines, Montoro said, but the shortfall will jump by more than one percentage point if aid to its struggling banks were taken in to account.

The Spanish deficit this year would be 6.3 percent of GDP, not including these payments to its banks, he said, but would rise to 9.4 percent of GDP last year and 7.4 percent of GDP this year if the aid was considered.

"Everything within the deficit derived from financial operations aren't included ... they're considered one-offs," Montoro said.

Spain has asked for up to 100 billion euros for its crisis-hit banks, though the debate among Spain's European partners rages over whether that money would go directly to its lenders or first via public coffers.

On Friday, an independent report showed Spanish banks will need up to 59.3 billion euros in extra capital to ride out the economic downturn.

The budget details on Saturday showed Spain's debt ratio included 30 billion euros of the planned 100-billion-euro aid request for the country's banks.

($1 = 0.7773 euros)

(Additional reporting Carlos Ruano, Nigel Davies and Paul Day; Writing by Paul Day; Editing by James Jukwey and Sophie Hares)


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Iran swipe at Web brings angry reply

FILE- In this Monday, Feb. 13, 2012 file photo, Iranian women use computers at an Internet cafe in central Tehran. Iran?s cyber monitors often tout their efforts to fight the West?s 'soft war' of influence through the web, but trying to ban Google?s popular Gmail may have gone too far with complaints coming even from email-starved parliament members. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi, File)

FILE- In this Monday, Feb. 13, 2012 file photo, Iranian women use computers at an Internet cafe in central Tehran. Iran?s cyber monitors often tout their efforts to fight the West?s 'soft war' of influence through the web, but trying to ban Google?s popular Gmail may have gone too far with complaints coming even from email-starved parliament members. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi, File)

FILE - In this Monday, Feb. 13, 2012 file photo, Iranian women use computers at an Internet cafe in central Tehran. Iran?s cyber monitors often tout their efforts to fight the West?s 'soft war' of influence through the web, but trying to ban Google?s popular Gmail may have gone too far with complaints coming even from email-starved parliament members. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi, File)

TEHRAN (AP) ? Iran's cyber monitors often tout their fight against the West's "soft war" of influence through the Web, but trying to block Google's popular Gmail appeared to be a swipe too far.

Complaints piled up ? even from email-starved parliament members ? and forced authorities Sunday to double down on their promises to create a parallel Web universe with Tehran as its center.

The strong backlash and the unspecific pledges for an Iran-centric Internet alternative to the Silicon Valley powers and others highlight the two sides of the Islamic Republic's ongoing battles with the Web. It's spurred another technological mobilization that fits neatly into Iran's self-crafted image as the Muslim world's showcase for science, including sending satellites into orbit, claiming advances in cloning and stem cell research and facing down the West over its nuclear program.

But there also are the hard realities of trying to reinvent the Web. Iran's highly educated and widely tech-savvy population is unlikely to warm quickly to potential clunky homegrown browsers or email services. And then there's the potential political and economic fallout of trying to close the tap on familiar sites such as Gmail.

"Some problems have emerged through the blocking of Gmail," Hussein Garrousi, a member of a parliamentary committee on industry, was quoted Sunday by the independent Aftab-e Yazd daily. What he apparently meant was that many lawmakers were angry and missing their emails.

He said that parliament would summon the minister of telecommunications for questioning if the ministry did not lift the Gmail ban, which was imposed last week in respond to clips on Google-owned YouTube of a film mocking the Prophet Muhammad that set off deadly protests across the Islamic world.

Even many newspapers close to the government complained over the email disruptions. On Saturday, the Asr-e Ertebat weekly reported that Iranians had paid a total of $4.5 million to purchase proxy services to reach blocked sites, including Facebook and YouTube, over the past month.

Iranian authorities ? perhaps recognizing the risks at hand ? decided against taking a symbolic twin shot at Google and cut access to the Web browser in a country with 32 million Internet users among a population of 75 million, according to official statistics.

That would rank online Iran among the world's top 20 in terms of sheer numbers of users, and equivalent to some European countries in per capita Web use at more than 40 percent, according to the private monitoring group Internet World Stats. The World Bank, however, puts Iran's Internet link rate at just 21 percent last year.

The U.S. is among the world's highest at more than 75 percent.

Iran's deputy telecoms minister, Ali Hakim Javadi, told reporters that Iranian authorities were considering lifting the Gmail ban. But he also used the opportunity to again promise development of Iran's domestic alternatives: the Fakhr ("Pride") search engine and the Fajr ("Dawn") email, Aftab-e Yazd reported.

When reporters noted the quality of Gmail services, Javadi quipped: "If there is Mercedes Benz on the street, that doesn't mean everyone drives a Mercedes."

Iran's clerical establishment has long signaled its intent to get citizens off of the international Internet ? which they say promotes Western values ? and onto a "national" and "clean" domestic network. Earlier this year, Iran's police chief, Esmail Ahmadi Moghadam, called Google an "instrument of espionage" rather than a search engine.

But it is unclear whether Iran has the technical capacity to follow through on its ambitious plans, or is willing to risk the economic damage and the social shock waves.

The Internet has steadily become part of Iran's fabric since the first Farsi-language sites developed a decade ago by Canadian-Iranian blogger Hossein Derakshan, who is considered one of the founders of Iran's social media community. Derakshan, however, was detained in 2008 and sentenced to nearly 20 years in prison two years later as the battles heated up between liberals seeking open access to the Web and authorities trying to erect their own version of China's "Great Firewall," the name given to Beijing's extensive filtering and censorship of the Internet.

Sites such as Twitter and Facebook were pillars of the street revolts after the disputed 2009 re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The powerful Revolutionary Guard responded by recruiting and training its own cyber force to patrol the Web and, later, try to defend against virus attacks on nuclear and other sites that Iran has blamed on the West and its allies.

Some Web security experts also have raised the possibility of Iranian hackers being behind some recent high-profile computer attacks, such as disruptions at Saudi Arabia's state oil giant Saudi Aramco and Qatari natural gas producer RasGas earlier this month. Iran has denied any links.

In a video message for Iranian new year in March, President Barack Obama denounced what he called the "electronic curtain" that keeps ordinary Iranians from reaching out to Americans and the West.

A few weeks later, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered the creation of an Internet oversight agency that included top military, security and political figures in the country's boldest attempt yet to control the Internet. The panel is headed by Ahmadinejad and includes powerful figures in the security establishment such as the intelligence chief and the commander of the Revolutionary Guard.

It's not Iran's first attempt to hold off what hardliners call a Western "cultural invasion." The so-called Barbie wars have gone on for more than a decade with periodic raids to confiscate the iconic American dolls from toy stores. Iran also introduced its own dolls ? twins Dara and Sara ? designed to promote traditional values with modest clothing and pro-family values, but it hasn't significantly dented the demand for Barbie dolls.


Murphy reported from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Associated Press


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Iran: Israel Past the 'Red Line'

Israel has already breached its own red line set by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by acquiring "dozens of nuclear warheads," Iranian Defence Minister Ahmad Vahidi said on Saturday, the AFP news agency reports.

"If having the atomic bomb is passing the red line, the Zionist regime, that possesses dozens of nuclear warheads and weapons of mass destruction, has passed the red line years ago, and it has to be stopped," he said, according to the ISNA news agency.

Vahidi was responding to a speech by Netanyahu to the UN General Assembly this week in which -- using a cartoon bomb diagram -- the Israeli leader called for a "clear red line" to be applied to Iran's nuclear activities, which he charged are aimed at developing atomic weapons.

"Is the occupying and aggressor Zionist regime that possesses nuclear weapons more dangerous? Or an Iran that doesn't have nuclear weapons and which insists more than anybody on nuclear disarmament, and seeks only to have peaceful nuclear energy abiding by international rules," Vahidi asked.

Israel has maintained a policy of nuclear ambiguity, but is widely assumed to possess nuclear weapons.

It is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency but has never signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Iran insists its nuclear program is entirely peaceful and rejects Israel's accusations of military intent. However, Iranian leaders have repeatedly called to eliminate the Jewish state.


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Speaking Out about Public Speaking | The Two River Times

By Nancy Wade

Most high school students would recognize the plea of ?Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears,? as those immortal words from Shakespeare?s tragedy Julius Caesar. When the character of Marc Antony speaks out, he uses the power of rhetoric that so distinguished educated leaders of that era. So connected were the idea of discourse in a public forum to the idea of public advocacy and justice in the courts, that the Latin word forum ultimately gave rise to the term forensics, which today can mean both evidence used in courtrooms and,?alternately, a variety of public-speaking genres.

Today?s students no longer need to travel to the stone steps of a public forum to make their voices heard. Technology now allows them to make public statements from the confines of their own bedrooms. And with tools such as Skype, iChat, videoconferencing and YouTube, students are delivering their messages to increasingly larger audiences than ever before.

The irony of this development is that, as the opportunities for students to voice their ideas have escalated dramatically during the 21st century, public speaking programs in many schools have diminished drastically.

The ancient Romans and Greeks understood that public speaking was a powerful communication tool for effective leadership, motivation, influence and persuasion. At the highest points in these venerated civilizations, the finest education available included the study of rhetoric, which meant the composing and delivery of speeches. In fact, the Roman scholar Cicero refined the concept even further, espousing that a good public speaker required more than knowledge of his topic; he needed ethos, wit and the ability to keep his audience entertained.

Throughout the Middle Ages and during the Renaissance, public speaking, known as oratory, remained an integral part of a liberal arts education. After a decline in the 17th and 18th centuries, there was renewed interest in the art of public discourse during the 19th century. This revival made the art of oratory an increasingly important part of the curriculum in schools in the late 1800s. As a result, oratorical competitions became de rigueur in colleges, high schools and elementary schools across the land as educational institutions celebrated and promoted the forensics arts.

The value placed on oratory was evidenced at institutions of higher learning across our nation. Princeton University held numerous speech competitions, especially ones associated with patriotic events such as Washington?s birthday or other historic remembrances. At Harvard, oratory was a required and popular part of the curriculum for many years. One?s education was simply considered incomplete without it. The popularity of oratorical contests was noted in the New York Evening Post in February 1895 when an article on the subject stated that at the University of Indiana, ?oratory was more popular than sports.?

The 20th century emphasis on science and technology created an American culture that became less willing to finance programs in public speaking, and the word ?oratory? became part of our past, an old-fashioned term for a truly lost art. While many schools today no longer fund oratory as a curriculum area, a good number of schools continue to validate those critical?public speaking skills through extracurricular activities.

Forensics programs in some schools, for example, foster the growth of public speaking skills through interscholastic competitions. With the challenging budgets facing most schools today, these types of activities, if they exist at all, tend to be relegated to our high schools, leaving most elementary school students without formal training in public speaking until they reach the upper grades.

Teachers in elementary and middle school often work hard to include public-speaking opportunities for students in their classrooms, but the classical emphasis on oratory as an integral part of the educational process has ?become a thing of the past in most elementary schools.

The incongruity of this fact is obvious when we observe how many elementary and middle school students are expressing their opinions, thoughts and feelings on the Internet. ?With so many new digital platforms at their fingertips, students now have the power to have their voices heard around the world, and many educators will, hopefully, re-examine priorities regarding curriculum in the 21st century.

Students today more than ever before in history need the rhetorical skills that were once held in such high esteem in the classroom. Those 19th-century theories of elocution taught critical rhetorical skills that allowed students to form arguments and defend them, delivery skills like articulation and pacing, non-verbal communication skills like use of hands, eyes, and facial expressions, and, most of all, the ability to?connect with one?s audience through ethos.

We have given our students the tools needed to talk to others around the world through technology. Creating a curriculum for ?digital? oratory would now help students develop the forensics skills they need to use these new platforms to their best ability.

If Shakespeare were writing Julius Caesar today, he might very well have said, ?Friends, Romans, citizens of the world, lend me your ears.? Students in the 21st century are part of the global classroom and teaching them how to express their thoughts effectively through public speaking programs is now, more than ever before, part of our charge as their mentors.


Nancy Wade teaches the award-winning forensics program?at Ranney School in Tinton Falls. Since its inception in 1994, the Ranney Middle School Forensics Team has garnered?338 awards at various forensic competitions and venues throughout New Jersey;?116 of these award winners took?first place in their category.


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Catch Notes (for iPhone)

Writers like me take notes all day long. We jot things down during meetings, while walking the dog, and sometimes even in the middle of a sentence, any time an idea strikes. And so do students, office workers, and many others, leaving us all in need of a great app that put tools at our fingertips for capturing an idea before it disappears into the ether. Poof.

Catch Notes for iPhone, which has come a long way since it first appeared in the Apple App Store, comes close to being one such all-purpose note-taking tool, but still needs a little fine tuning. The app excels at supporting collaboration, and also has unique features. Plus, it uses the full, longer screen size of the iPhone 5. A few problems, such as buggy audio memos and the inability to customize the colors of folders (or "spaces" as they're called in Catch) to your liking should be fixed. The color issue in particular is a shame because color can do wonders for your data.

Evernote, which to be fair looks drab when side-by-side with Catch, remains my go-to note-syncing app and PCMag's Editors' Choice on the iPhone, because it works well, has all the core functionality you'll need, and integrates with a huge variety of other services, which is key. Catch has better and more interesting collaboration features, though.

Set Up and Sign In
The Catch iPhone app is a very simple to set up. After downloading the free app and launching it, new users have three choices for registering an account: 1) sign into your Catch account or set one up with an email address and password, 2) log in using your Google ID, or 3) log in using your Facebook account.

Catch starts you off with a sample note that contains information about how to create notes, organize them, and sync them. It's also nice to see this dummy note appear where one would otherwise face a dauntingly blank canvas.

Catch Notes' Design and Features
If you've used Catch's iPad app, the look of the iPhone version will immediately strike you. Design remains crucial, in my opinion, because if you intend to use an app a lot, you have to like what you see. Catch for iPhone uses color and dynamic menus to not only provide utility, but also lure you to want to play with the app. To start a new note, you press a plus sign in the bottom center of the screen, which pops open a radial menu with options for adding a reminder, image, typed note, audio note, or checklist item.

I like Catch's checklists better than Evernote's because Catch lets you have a checklist item as a note type, whereas you can only add checklists inside an Evernote note using paragraph formatting. In Catch for iPhone, your to-do tasks appear right on screen when you're looking at your list of notes. In Evernote, you have to open a note to see your to-do tasks.

In testing, the audio memo feature was very buggy. I was able to record just fine. A microphone appeared on screen, and it seemed to record my voice, as it responded to changes in my voice's volume. But when I saved and closed the audio memo, it would not playback. The following day, I finally had some success, but I don't know why it didn't work initially (and repeatedly). I was testing on a new iPhone 5, running iOS 6, with a strong Wi-Fi connection.

Catch for iPhone formerly did not have folders, relying only on tags for sorting, but it does now. Folders, also known as "spaces," let you group your notes much more effectively than tags alone. Each space has a name or title and a color, but you can't customize the colors, unfortunately. Whatever color Catch assigns, that's the one you get. I use color in all segments of my life to stay organized, and I really hate not being able to control which folders are assigned which colors.

One additional feature is the ability to add geo-location information to your note, a great feature for frequent travelers who need to be able to look up notes based on where a meeting or business took place.

Just like Evernote, Catch apps are free, as is an account, but users can pay $4.99 per month or $44.99 per year to upgrade to a Pro account for a few extra perks. This costs the same as an Evernote Premium account ($45 per year).

A free Catch account gives you five spaces for private or shared notebooks (or "spaces") and the ability to add 70MB per month of new content. A Pro account lets you have 50 spaces, 1GB of new content uploaded per month, and the ability to attach office documents to your notes.

Unique Features: Tagging and Collaboration
Catch uses a unique tagging system for your notes. You create tags by typing a hashtag (#) before any word right in your note. The words then look as if they are hyperlinks, indicating that they're now tags. I can see how some users will find this concept simple because you never have to add tags as a secondary step. Tags are always at your fingertips while you're writing notes. The problem is you can't easily reference which tags you've used in the past. My problem is that this system allows for inconsistencies that don't occur when you can select tags from a pre-made list. For example, in Catch, I might write into one note the tag "#iPadApps" and in other places use the more general "#MobileApp" or "#MobileApps." As a highly organized person, seeing inconsistently written tags like these would drive me batty.

If you like Catch's unique tagging system, you'll probably also like its search box, which lets you look for hashtags on notes, or filter notes by other criteria, like favorite notes marked with a star or those that you've shared with collaborators.

Catch's collaborative take on notes really isn't like any other note-taking system I've seen, and in a good way. Basic collaboration takes the form of emailing notes to others, and that's nothing new. Every note in Catch has a comments thread at the bottom. I like that the user as well as the collaborators can discuss a note's content without anyone messing up the contents of the note itself. Imagine it in action in a business setting. Perhaps you're taking notes while traveling with colleagues or while at a conference. One person can make a note quickly while in a conference session and post it to her colleagues, and others read it, ask follow up questions, or simply add her two cents, all in the comments. Comments always stay with the note, too, so everything syncs to all your devices.

Catch All or Catch None?
The Catch iPhone app is a good choice for note-takers who need collaboration features, although the app still needs some fine tuning. If you're a stickler for consistency, as I am, you might find the hashtag-as-tagging feature not to your taste. The inability to choose your own colors for folder or "spaces" also kind of baffles me.

Evernote may not be as pretty, but it's more reliable and integrates with a huge array of other services, making it PCMag's Editors' Choice for iPhone note-taking apps. If your notes tend to be more along the lines of to-do lists, try one of my favorite apps, Awesome Note (+ToDo) ($3.99), which doesn't have its own syncing features but can integrate with Evernote if you need syncing.

More iPhone App Reviews:
??? Lili (for iPhone and iPad)
??? Catch Notes (for iPhone)
??? SpellTower (for iPhone and iPad)
??? Polaris Office (for iPhone)
??? Star Walk 6.0 (for iPhone)
?? more


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Network Marketing Success ? Tips For Growing Your Business Quickly

Network marketing is not brain surgery; it just takes a little time to learn the basics. This article presents tips on how to get further in your network marketing campaign.

The financial experts agree that the calculation you should be using is your monthly spending times nine, the total being what you need to have on hand in case of emergency. Network marketing can give you that money and much more!

Make sure meetings are less than an hour. If you speak with a client for more than an hour, they may not want to work with you for fear that the business will take too much effort and time.

It is completely natural for people to like talking about themselves and what they want. Use this human trait to your advantage, and let people go on and on about themselves. While doing this, avoid saying too much about your own life. You want to come across as trustworthy, so let your customers feel like they are in control.

Making sure you put your customers first is a must in network marketing. Without it you?re nothing; the customers are what make you successful. Your business will tank if your customers aren?t happy. Set a goal to listen for at least 80% of the conversation and talk the other 20% of the time.

If you want to be professional as a business owner, take the time each day when you get out of bed to shower, fix your hair and apply makeup if you wear it. It is easy to work and act professionally if you are dressed for the part; this also allows you to quickly leave for a business meeting if needed.

When talking to a client about your network marketing project, make them believe that you are only there to help them. Tailor your presentation so that it?s only about them, making them money, making their life better, and alleviating their worries.

If you want to be successful at network marketing, consider participating in relevant online communities. These forums can provide valuable tips and information on network marketing, and as a bonus, they are free. Use an online search engine to discover forums about network marketing, and post in them every day to get as many tips as you can.

Continue using successful strategies and weed out the programs that aren?t working. Get advice from professional marketers. Try to establish the same business approach and mindset that led to their success. Copying them will assist you in finding your spot at the very top. Of course, you know to learn from your mistakes, but also try to emulate other people?s successes.

Outsourcing can be a great way to get all of your company?s network marketing done. Particularly if you do not have enough resources to invest in this form of advertising, an outsource company can be very beneficial. When you outsource the work, you have time for more pressing matters and get a fast turn around from the advertiser.

Do not take any shortcuts when using a network marketing approach, since this can hurt you in the long run. Even though you could be tempted to take shortcuts, the way to truly being successful with a network marketing campaign is to put in the proper time and effort into it. When you produce solid work, the payoff is inevitable.

Short term goals should be the building blocks to long-term success. You will probably have a long-range goal in mind for your business, perhaps three or five years out. However, with smaller goals as your focus immediately, you can build a foundation for these larger goals. This will assist you in tweaking your marketing methods so you can stay on track with your overall marketing plan.

One way to progress in your field is to learn as much as possible from your failures. Analyze what you did wrong and take measures not to repeat these mistakes. By looking at your failures, you are able to eliminate strategies that do not work and concentrate even harder on the things that do.

Invite your down line to engage in conversation and activity. Is it possible they?re shy? Could they be having an issue with the product or in their personal life? Create an open line of communication with your downline and make sure they know that they can ask you questions and interact with other network members. When everyone is participating, your team will work the best.

When you meet someone new, find out who is in their circle of friends and acquaintances. Ensure your audience will tell other people about your products, and make them eager to do so. The only time it is acceptable to spend your time discussing business with a person who has no desire to buy is if that person happens to have an impressive network of contacts.

The preceding tips should have given you the confidence you need to get out there and start prospecting. Always bear in mind that network marketing will never be fully learned overnight. It is a field where the more you know, the more successful you will be and that takes time.

Debbie Clark
Lovin? Life


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Beyonce and Jay-Z's daughter just added a sparkly pair of Ruthie Davis sneakers to her shoe collection.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

international financial news -

By AAP 28.09.2012 07:43 AM

A roundup of news in finance, economics and business from around the world:


MADRID - Spain's government has unveiled a 2013 budget that tightens austerity even in the teeth of growing protests, easing the path to a widely expected sovereign bailout.

WASHINGTON - The US economy was more sluggish than thought in the second quarter, growing only 1.3 per cent, Commerce Department data shows.

WASHINGTON - US manufacturing is struggling as businesses brace for the year-end "fiscal cliff" in an economy that entered the third quarter with less momentum than thought.

WASHINGTON - The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits plunged 26,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 359,000, a hopeful sign for the job market.

BRUSSELS - Brussels has sought WTO approval for trade sanctions against Washington worth $US12 billion ($A11.6 billion) a year, the latest twist of a long-running EU-US row over subsidies to aviation giants Airbus and Boeing.

ROME - Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has launched a series of broadsides against Germany, the euro and the new single currency bailout fund as Italy's election season heats up.

BEAVERTON, Oregon - Nike said Thursday its fiscal first-quarter net income fell 12 per cent as higher sales of its clothing and footwear brands was offset by higher costs and increased ad spending.

TORONTO - BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion posted another large loss in the second quarter but not as bad as analysts expected.


CANBERRA - Australia will join the international Climate and Clean Air Coalition to support action to reduce pollutants.

BRISBANE - Plans to exclude some business activities from environmental regulations won't hurt the environment, the Queensland government says.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

BU School of Medicine receives award for work-life balance practices for academic physicians

BU School of Medicine receives award for work-life balance practices for academic physicians [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Sep-2012
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Contact: Gina DiGravio
Boston University Medical Center

Boston Boston University School of Medicine is receiving a $250,000 grant from the American Council on Education (ACE) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for its innovative work in career flexibility for academic physicians.

Six other medical schools also are receiving awards, which ACE launched after investigating the structural and cultural constraints for faculty career flexibility in academic medicine. The awards are part of ACE's ongoing work with The Alfred P. Sloan Projects for Faculty Career Flexibility. They will be presented tonight at ACE's Board of Directors meeting in Washington, where and Darrell G. Kirch, president and CEO of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) will deliver remarks.

Boston University School of Medicine will use the Alfred P. Sloan Award for Faculty Career Flexibility to build on innovative existing policies and programs that facilitate professional and personal balance while implementing new initiatives that provide multiple levels of mentoring. Mentoring will increase career flexibility by enabling faculty to navigate the path to advancement more efficiently while avoiding burnout. Specifically, we will design a midcareer faculty development program to enhance career advancement. We will also create an online database of mentors and facilitate communities of practice to stimulate peer and senior mentoring to foster career flexibility.

"We are committed to the quality of academic life at Boston University School of Medicine and to faculty development. This grant will support pilot programs that can be more broadly adopted, if found effective," said Karen Antman MD, dean, Boston University School of Medicine and provost, Boston University Medical Campus.

"Our colleagues at the Association of American Medical Colleges note that the United States is facing a looming crisis: a serious doctor shortage," said ACE Senior Vice President Gretchen M. Bataille. "If our medical schools aren't retaining the right faculty, then that shortage will only be exacerbated. These seven institutions are taking bold steps to keep the best and brightest teachers, which helps attract future doctors. We are grateful to the Sloan Foundation for their continued support of these efforts."

"By attracting and retaining the best of the best, these winning medical schools are able to put themselves on a path toward excellence," said Kathleen Christensen, program director, Alfred. P. Sloan Foundation. "They do this through targeted efforts to address the unique work/life challenges faced by faculty. The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is proud to partner with ACE to honor these winners and is deeply appreciative of ACE's leadership on these issues."

Brief summaries of the institutions' award-winning activities can be found on the ACE website:

"Medical schools face unique challenges in not just finding, but keeping, highly specialized faculty," said ACE Senior Advisor and Project Director Claire Van Ummersen. "The awardees have addressed this issue head-on. They should serve as examples not just for other medical schools, but for any institution facing a crisis in retaining a highly trained workforce. Our thanks go to the Sloan Foundation for supporting this important work."


Originally established in 1848 as the New England Female Medical College, and incorporated into Boston University in 1873, Boston University School of Medicine today is a leading academic medical center with an enrollment of more than 700 medical students and more than 800 masters and PhD students. Its 1,246 full and part-time faculty members generated more than $335 million in funding in the 2009-2010 academic year for research in amyloidosis, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, infectious disease, pulmonary disease and dermatology among others. The School is affiliated with Boston Medical Center, its principal teaching hospital, the Boston and Bedford Veterans Administration Medical Centers and 16 other regional hospitals as well as the Boston HealthNet.

Founded in 1918, ACE is the major coordinating body for all the nation's higher education institutions, representing more than 1,600 college and university presidents, and more than 200 related associations, nationwide. It provides leadership on key higher education issues and influences public policy through advocacy. For more information, please visit or follow ACE on Twitter @ACEducation.

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is a philanthropic, not-for-profit grant making institution based in New York City. Established in 1934 by Alfred Pritchard Sloan Jr., then-President and Chief Executive Officer of the General Motors Corporation, its Working Longer program is expanding understanding of aging Americans' work patterns.

Contact: Gina DiGravio, 617-638-8480,

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BU School of Medicine receives award for work-life balance practices for academic physicians [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Sep-2012
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Contact: Gina DiGravio
Boston University Medical Center

Boston Boston University School of Medicine is receiving a $250,000 grant from the American Council on Education (ACE) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for its innovative work in career flexibility for academic physicians.

Six other medical schools also are receiving awards, which ACE launched after investigating the structural and cultural constraints for faculty career flexibility in academic medicine. The awards are part of ACE's ongoing work with The Alfred P. Sloan Projects for Faculty Career Flexibility. They will be presented tonight at ACE's Board of Directors meeting in Washington, where and Darrell G. Kirch, president and CEO of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) will deliver remarks.

Boston University School of Medicine will use the Alfred P. Sloan Award for Faculty Career Flexibility to build on innovative existing policies and programs that facilitate professional and personal balance while implementing new initiatives that provide multiple levels of mentoring. Mentoring will increase career flexibility by enabling faculty to navigate the path to advancement more efficiently while avoiding burnout. Specifically, we will design a midcareer faculty development program to enhance career advancement. We will also create an online database of mentors and facilitate communities of practice to stimulate peer and senior mentoring to foster career flexibility.

"We are committed to the quality of academic life at Boston University School of Medicine and to faculty development. This grant will support pilot programs that can be more broadly adopted, if found effective," said Karen Antman MD, dean, Boston University School of Medicine and provost, Boston University Medical Campus.

"Our colleagues at the Association of American Medical Colleges note that the United States is facing a looming crisis: a serious doctor shortage," said ACE Senior Vice President Gretchen M. Bataille. "If our medical schools aren't retaining the right faculty, then that shortage will only be exacerbated. These seven institutions are taking bold steps to keep the best and brightest teachers, which helps attract future doctors. We are grateful to the Sloan Foundation for their continued support of these efforts."

"By attracting and retaining the best of the best, these winning medical schools are able to put themselves on a path toward excellence," said Kathleen Christensen, program director, Alfred. P. Sloan Foundation. "They do this through targeted efforts to address the unique work/life challenges faced by faculty. The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is proud to partner with ACE to honor these winners and is deeply appreciative of ACE's leadership on these issues."

Brief summaries of the institutions' award-winning activities can be found on the ACE website:

"Medical schools face unique challenges in not just finding, but keeping, highly specialized faculty," said ACE Senior Advisor and Project Director Claire Van Ummersen. "The awardees have addressed this issue head-on. They should serve as examples not just for other medical schools, but for any institution facing a crisis in retaining a highly trained workforce. Our thanks go to the Sloan Foundation for supporting this important work."


Originally established in 1848 as the New England Female Medical College, and incorporated into Boston University in 1873, Boston University School of Medicine today is a leading academic medical center with an enrollment of more than 700 medical students and more than 800 masters and PhD students. Its 1,246 full and part-time faculty members generated more than $335 million in funding in the 2009-2010 academic year for research in amyloidosis, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, infectious disease, pulmonary disease and dermatology among others. The School is affiliated with Boston Medical Center, its principal teaching hospital, the Boston and Bedford Veterans Administration Medical Centers and 16 other regional hospitals as well as the Boston HealthNet.

Founded in 1918, ACE is the major coordinating body for all the nation's higher education institutions, representing more than 1,600 college and university presidents, and more than 200 related associations, nationwide. It provides leadership on key higher education issues and influences public policy through advocacy. For more information, please visit or follow ACE on Twitter @ACEducation.

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is a philanthropic, not-for-profit grant making institution based in New York City. Established in 1934 by Alfred Pritchard Sloan Jr., then-President and Chief Executive Officer of the General Motors Corporation, its Working Longer program is expanding understanding of aging Americans' work patterns.

Contact: Gina DiGravio, 617-638-8480,

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RIM shares rally as new BlackBerry inspires hope

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Stocks higher after 5-day losing streak

NEW YORK (AP) ? Stocks climbed modestly Thursday on Wall Street, perhaps headed for their first gain of the week, after unemployment claims in the United States fell to their lowest level in two months.

After an hour of trading, the Dow Jones industrial average was up 15 points at 13,428. The Standard & Poor's 500 index gained four to 1,437. And the Nasdaq composite index was up 13 to 3,107.

Energy stocks and banks gained the most in early trading. Consumer staples and utility stocks, which tend to do well when investors are fearful, were the only industry group in the S&P to fall.

The S&P has fallen five trading days in a row, its longest losing streak since July.

The market gains started earlier, in Asia, helped by expectations that the People's Bank of China will soon take more steps to ease a slowdown in the world's No. 2 economy.

Stocks rose 0.5 percent in Japan and 1.1 percent in Hong Kong.

In the United States, investors grappled Thursday with mixed economic data:

? The economy grew at an annual rate of 1.3 percent from April through June, the government said, slower than the previous estimate of 1.7 percent and not nearly fast enough to reduce unemployment.

? Demand for long-lasting manufactured goods plunged in August by the most since January 2009. That was mostly because of a huge drop in commercial aircraft orders, which are volatile. Orders that reflect business investment rose solidly.

? The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell 26,000 last week to 359,000, the lowest figure in nine weeks. A figure consistently below 375,000 is generally enough to lower the unemployment rate.

? The number of Americans who signed contracts to buy previously occupied homes fell in August from a two-year high in July. The National Association of Realtors' sales index is still 10 percent higher than it was a year ago.

In Europe, stocks came back from one of their worst days in months. The benchmark stock index climbed 0.8 percent in France, 0.3 percent in Germany and Britain and 0.2 percent in Spain.

Borrowing costs for financially troubled Spain also edged down, a positive sign.

In the U.S., demand for government bonds fell, generally an indication that investors are more willing to embrace risk. The yield on the 10-year note, which moves opposite the price, rose 0.03 percentage point to 1.64 percent.

The price of crude oil rose $1.19 per barrel to $91.15 as concerns mounted about a potential military confrontation over Iran's nuclear program. Oil had dropped $9 a barrel in two weeks.

The dollar was flat against most major currencies.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hidden costs of home improvement - AOL Hot Searches

Whether it's your dream home or a run-down house you hope to renovate, buying a property can be exciting and fill you with creative inspiration. But amidst all the excitement it's easy to get carried away, and that budget you so carefully worked out can quickly spiral out of control.

hidden costs of home improvement

Top related searches:

  1. Insect infestations
  2. Rat infestations
  3. Building project plan
  4. Cost of kitchen
  5. Woodworm
  6. Trusted tradesmen
  7. Floor sander
  8. Property planning
  9. Electricians
  10. New kitchen

To avoid the most common pitfalls of home improvement, here's what you need to know.

Conduct an investigation
Your new home might seem perfect on the surface but many properties, particularly older ones, contain hidden horrors.

Properly investigating the property, either yourself or with the help of a trusted contractor, will ensure you don't get any sudden nasty surprises when work starts. Dodgy wiring, hidden rot and unwelcome visitors in the form of insect or vermin-type infestations, will all need to be dealt with and will undoubtedly push up the price of your refurbishment.

Even that seemingly innocent woodchip wallpaper could be hiding a plaster disaster, so do take care to test out small patches, from walls to floorboards.

Plan and plan again
Planning is the key to a successful renovation so a detailed schedule and budget, with the all-important contingency fund, is essential. If you are not doing the hard work yourself but relying on contractors instead, insist on just as much detail and planning from them so that you know what, when and how much of every aspect of your project.

Know the rules
Even if you are not extending the property, it's important to read up on the rules and regulations surrounding refurbishment. Your new house may well be subject to rules relating to structure, fire and electrics safety, among others, and fixing these after the event can be an expensive way to do things.

Find out whether the property is in a conservation area, for example, as this will mean a visit from a local conservation officer who will advise on the dos and don'ts of your renovation. And if you are seeking planning permission, do build the cost of the necessary fees into your budget.

Similarly if you are employing contractors, for whatever job, always ensure they come with the proper licences and accreditations.

Shop smart
Choosing fixtures and fittings and decorating your new home is really the fun part of any refurbishment. But it's easy to end up like a kid in a candy shop once inside those DIY superstores. Try not to be tempted by a great deal on taps when you only went in to look at floor tiles.

Be just as careful with your budget here as you were with the structural work or you may end up splashing more cash than you intended to. If in doubt, write a list before you go and make a note of the budget you have set aside for each room so that you don't overspend.

Have you refurbished or renovated a property yourself? What are your top tips for success? Leave your comments below...


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

'Cult Fiction' Traced to Ancient Egypt Priest

A recently deciphered Egyptian papyrus from around 1,900 years ago tells a fictional story that includes drinking, singing, feasting and ritual sex, all in the name of the goddess Mut.?

Researchers believe that a priest wrote the blush-worthy tale, as a way to discuss controversial ritual sex acts with other priests.

"Our text may represent a new and hitherto unrecognized Egyptian literary genre: 'cult' fiction, the purpose of which was to allow controversial or contentious matters pertaining to the divine cult to be scrutinized in this way," wrote professors Richard Jasnow and Mark Smith, who published their translation and analysis of the papyrus in the most recent edition of the journal Enchoria.

Jasnow, from Johns Hopkins University, and Smith, from Oxford, write that evidence of ritual sex is? rare in ancient Egypt and the act probably would have been controversial. "There is surprisingly little unequivocal Egyptian evidence for the performance of the sex act as such in ritual contexts," Jasnow and Smith wrote. [The Sex Quiz: Myths, Taboos & Bizarre Facts]

They added that the Egyptians were known to discuss other controversial matters using fictional stories.

Writing about sex

Containing writing in a form of ancient Egyptian known as Demotic, the papyrus is likely to have originated in the Fayum village of Tebtunis at a time when the Romans controlled Egypt. It is currently in Florence, Italy, in the Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli."

The newly deciphered tale refers several times to having sex. At one point a speaker implores a person to "drink truly. Eat truly. Sing" and to "don clothing, anoint (yourself), adorn the eyes, and enjoy sexual bliss." The speaker adds that Mut will not let you "be distant from drunkenness on any day. She will not allow you to be lacking in any (manner)."

The speaker defends his views by saying, "As for those who have called me evil, Mut will 'call' them evil."

Researchers know the story is fictional because it employs an Egyptian noun used only in fiction to mark separate sections of a story. ?

The full story

Reconstructing the overall plot narrative of the papyrus is tricky. The text is fragmentary, and researchers cannot be certain how the full story unfolded.

"Conceivably, we have here the remains of an account of how an adherent of the goddess Mut persuaded another individual to devote himself to her worship or join in her rites," the researchers write.??

This "cult fiction" interpretation of the papyrus is backed up by the Greek writer Herodotus, who lived more than 2,400 years ago. He wrote that "it was the Egyptians who first made it a matter of religious observance not to have intercourse with women in temples, nor enter a temple after such intercourse without washing." (That translation is from "Herodotus Volume 1," Harvard University Press, 1990.)

For some ancient Egyptians, the idea of mixing sex and religion may have been extreme, a problem priests discussed by way of a fictional story.

Smith declined an interview request, telling LiveScience that everything the researchers wanted to say is in the journal article. He did add that new fragments of the papyrus recently were discovered, and they may allow for more of the story to be deciphered.

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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If you are struggling or wonder if NLP or hypnotherapy could help you, consult your local therapist and see. To help understand what clinical hypnotherapy is and how clinical hypnotherapy can enhance your sports performance, I have interviewed, therapist Dr. Hypnosis opens the entrance to the sub-conscious mind. There are clinics and specialist doctors who advice the treatment of their patients through weight loss hypnotherapy and anxiety hypnotherapy for a secure form of treatment; this will have no side effects. For that duration from the hypnotic state researchers take the fact that the best mind dominates the left brain since the subconscious mind is becoming accessed.

It is found that hypnotherapy has emerged as one of the most effective ways of helping people stop smoking. No matter how you choose to get the Hypnotherapy session-whether it is through consulting someone online or meeting with them, ensure to have only a qualified professional address your problems. In fact, you will be more susceptible to stress if you are constantly losing sleep. These gifts will recover the calm composure and alert thinking by laughing stress away. Many of these techniques are being used in organizations to help employees in dealing with anxiety at work.

This service is convenient and readily available for anyone who needs it. Not only that, it can make even the most ordinary activities, such as driving, very dangerous. When you are stressed out, you give a damn about your diet and end up eating the wrong stuff and that too in plentiful. This will ensure that the solos do not distract, and it will also ensure that the backgrounds don?t fade into inaudibility when the music is played at low volume. When rapport has been created the hypnotist can begin to induce a trance which would bypass the subject?s conscious mind and critical faculties.

A professional hypnotherapist will make recordings that suit all the required needs and the subconscious mind is able to take in the information that is required to achieve the intended results. Otherwise, it may even lead to various complications within the human body system. For many people this can be intimidating and it can be highly inconvenient ? so why not use our own hypnotherapy in order to achieve many of the same results? Background music for hypnotherapy, reiki or any other healing modality is usually played at low volume, so the music shouldn?t have any significant drops in intensity that might result in stretches of silence when the track is played. Being a Hypnotherapist is just part of it In order to be successful we have to be business people too.

hypnotherapy has emerged as a good option for treating a variety of Phobias and just requires a few sessions to make the Phobia-ridden person lead an anxiety-free life. Extensive research has already been carried out on the hypnosis practices being used today that are proven by successful clinical trials, so one can definitely opt for Hypnotherapy for combating Phobias. As hypnotherapy is a mode of remedy, it provides a healing for one?s chronic preoccupations like anxiety and addiction. If you have been trying to stop smoking but are finding that it is difficult, you are not alone. It is completely safe and many patients find it extremely helpful in changing the way they about things and perceive things.

It is considered an aid to psychotherapy and it has become increasingly popular as people are becoming more aware of how much power the mind has in influencing the way we think and behave-we are the creators of our thoughts and our thoughts are the creators of our actions. This means that you?ll be able to feel safe during the hypnosis North London, knowing that everything you say throughout the trance will be kept a secret by the hypnotherapist. The root causes of many of these conditions are emotional imbalances that cause unsatisfactory thought, feeling or behavioural processes. Prevent a Relapse: It is a continuation of hypnosis sessions which are designed to prevent a relapse before it occurs. In this way, hypnotherapy is not at all dangerous-the only danger is that it may or may not work in helping you achieve a specific behavioural goal, but it will not harm your body in any way.

It?s used by many sportsmen including Olympic athletes, football and rugby players. I never purchase a self hypnosis program unless I read an evaluation of it first. Through this therapy the therapist gains access to your subconscious mind which creates the urge for smoking. Verbal techniques include mind altering words, language patterns and tone of voice. Acceding to them, anyone not medically trained and holding proper certification in the fields of general medicine, psychiatry, or dentistry was not qualified to learn the methods and skills of hypnosis.

Lack of sleep can be detrimental to your health! Finally, seek out a practitioner that adheres to a strict code of ethics.
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