Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Guns, The Kids And The NRA

By MICHAEL FALCONE ( @michaelpfalcone )


LETTERS TO OBAMA: President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden plan to unveil a sweeping plan aimed at curbing gun violence today at the White House. The event is scheduled to take place at 11:55 a.m. ET today. And the White House will release handwritten letters to the president from some of the children who will be at the White House when he unveils his plan. The kids offer their own ideas on gun control - ideas that go significantly further than the President's plan, notes ABC's Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl. Eight-year-old Grant from Maryland, writes the President, "there should be some changes in the law with guns. It's a free country, but I recommend there needs be [sic] a limit with guns." Grant's ideas: "Please don't let people own machine guns or other powerful guns like that. I think there should be a good reason to get a gun. There should be a limit about [sic] how many guns a person can own." Eleven-year-old Julia from Washington, DC writes, "Even though I am not scared for my own safety, I am scared for others. My opinion is it should be very hard for people to buy guns."

NRA'S PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKE: OBAMA IS AN 'ELITIST HYPOCRITE.' The National Rifle Association has launched a pre-emptive, personal attack on President Obama, calling him an "elitist hypocrite" who, the group claims, is putting American children at risk, notes ABC's Devin Dwyer. In 35-second video posted online Tuesday night, the NRA criticizes Obama for accepting armed Secret Service protection for his daughters, Sasha and Malia, at their private Washington, D.C., school while questioning the placement of similar security at other schools. "Are the president's kids more important than yours? Then why is he skeptical about putting armed security in our schools, when his kids are protected by armed guards at their school?" the narrator says. "Mr. Obama demands the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, but he's just another elitist hypocrite when it comes to a fair share of security," it continues. "Protection for their kids and gun-free zones for ours." WATCH the video:


ABC's Z. BYRON WOLF: The End Of National Unity?

When President Obama makes his gun control pitch surrounded by children, his opponents on the issue will - perhaps rightly so - accuse him of some degree of exploiting them as part of a political backdrop. His allies, meanwhile, will complain - perhaps rightly so - about the NRA ad that accuses the president of hypocrisy for dismissing proposals for guns in every school while sending his own children to school under Secret Service armed guard. Both complaints signal that any sort of national unity in the aftermath of the senseless killing of so many kids at Sandy Hook Elementary School is over.

ABC'S RICK KLEIN: 'Leave The Kids At Home'

Without suggesting a perfect equivalency between using children as a backdrop for an announcement (as President Obama is doing today) and using the president's own children to make a sharp political point (as the NRA is), is it too much to ask that both sides leave the kids at home for this fight? We can surely stipulate that neither side doesn't care about the safety of children. That's where the debate began, what made Sandy Hook different than Aurora or Tucson of anything that came before. It may be as much common ground as there exists in the current debate over gun violence. If the goal is to actually get something done on guns in Washington, even the mild suggestion that the other side doesn't stand with kids is the kind of message that has a way of shutting things down.


The shocking new National Rifle Association ad out last night was successful if the goal was to grab headlines and the public's attention, but does it get the NRA closer to its goal? Or does an attack on the president's family - young girls who did not choose for their father to be president - cross the line so much that is turns a once powerful group simply into a fringe organization? This week's ABC News-Washington Post poll shows there is support for armed guards at schools, but was this the smartest way to promote that tactic?

ABC's MICHAEL FALCONE: Another Day, Another Cabinet Shuffle

With the news this morning that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is stepping down by the end of March, the talk now turns to his potential replacements. A few names already in the mix: Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire (h/t ABC's Jon Karl). There's also former Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter and former U.S. Sen. Byron Dorgan of North Dakota. As for why Salazar is leaving the Obama administration, the Denver Post, which broke the news of his departure, notes the secretary's sometimes-grueling travel schedule as well as his likely desire for a "less-glamorous but more-lucrative private sector" job. A GOP operative also suggests at least one other reason: "The reality is that Secretary Salazar was going to become a liability fairly quickly with House Natural Resources opening an investigation as to whether evidence was falsified to warrant a drilling moratorium after the BP Spill."


-GIFFORDS WILL PERSONALLY LOBBY MEMBERS ON GUN CONTROL. Rep. Ron Barber, the former chief of staff to Gabrielle Giffords, tells ABC's Rick Klein and Yahoo!'s Olivier Knox that Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, will personally lobby members of Congress to pass new gun-control measures. The two "will be making visits to members of Congress and will be trying to-in a one-on-one relationship and meeting-lay out their case," Barber said. WATCH:

-POLITICALLY DRESSED: WHAT COATS WILL THE FIRST FAMILY WEAR? ABC's Shushannah Walshe delves into Inauguration Day fashion choices-specifically, the coats the First Family will wear on a cold inauguration Monday. Bloomingdale's men's and women's fashion directors offer their advice for Barack and Michelle. WATCH:


with ABC's Chris Good ( @c_good)

ANOTHER CABINET DEPARTURE: SALAZAR TO STEP DOWN. ABC's Jonathan Karl reports: Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is the latest member of the Obama cabinet to depart at the start of the president's second term. A senior White House official tells ABC News that Salazar has told the president he intends to leave by the end of March. Salazar was a senator representing Colorado from 2005 to 2009 and prior to that was the state's attorney general. One possible replacement is outgoing Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire.

? AND HE'LL LEAVE BEHIND A REALLY NICE BATHROOM. ABC's Jonathan Karl reports: The personal bathroom used by the Secretary of the Interior is so swanky its renovation cost $220,000. No detail was overlooked: It has a $3500 sub zero refrigerator (hey, if you're going to have a fridge in the bathroom, it might as well be a good one) and a $689 faucet. At least the "vintage tissue holder" was cheap: just $65 bucks. The renovation was done in 2007 under President George W. Bush's Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, but is only now coming to light thanks to the dogged reporting by ABC News Atlanta affiliate WSB-TV, which first filed a Freedom of Information Act request on the renovation four years ago.

NEW YORK PASSES NATION'S TOUGHEST GUN LAW. ABC's Shushannah Walshe reports: New York became the first state to pass a gun control law - the toughest in the nation - since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting massacre last month. Acting one month and a day since the rampage killing that left 20 first-graders and six educators dead, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the bill into law shortly after 5 p.m. Called the New York Safe Act, the law includes a tougher assault weapons ban that broadens the definition of what constitutes an assault weapon, and limits the capacity of magazines to seven bullets, down from 10. The law also requires background checks of ammunition and gun buyers, even in private sales, imposes tougher penalties for illegal gun use, a one-state check on all firearms purchases, and programs to cut gun violence in high-crime neighborhoods. As he signed the bill into law, Cuomo said it was not only "the first bill" but the "best bill."

FORMER A.G. ED MEESE: OBAMA RISKS IMPEACHMENT IF HE GOES TOO FAR ON GUNS. The former U.S. attorney general under Ronald Reagan tells the conservative site Newsmax that President Obama could be impeached if he uses executive orders to implement gun control. "It would not be legal. It would not be constitutional," said Meese. "And, indeed, if he tried to override the Second Amendment in any way, I believe it would be an impeachable offense."

OBAMA'S SECOND TERM: BETTER JOB APPROVAL, AN EDGE ON THE DEBT LIMIT. President Obama begins his second term with his highest job approval since his first year in office, except for his post-Osama-bin-Laden bump, and an advantage over House Republicans: With another showdown on the nation's borrowing limit looming, 58 percent of Americans in this ABC News/Washington Post poll say the debt ceiling should be handled separately from the debate on spending cuts. Thirty-six percent instead favor linking the two, as the Republicans in Congress seek - a position that drew a tart response from the president Monday. ? the president leads the GOP leadership in trust to handle the issue by a 14-point margin. ? Fifty-five percent approve of his job performance overall, the most since November 2009, save for a blip at 56 percent immediately after Navy SEALS killed Osama bin Laden in spring 2011.

MARK SANFORD: I'M RUNNING. The disgraced former governor will announce a bid for Congress today, attempting a political comeback with a run for the House seat formerly held by Tim Scott, who was tapped to replace retiring South Carolina GOP Sen. Jim DeMint. Sanford told The National Review's Jim Geraghty on Tuesday: "Officially we're going to announce tomorrow, and then it's off to the races. ? In life we're all going to make mistakes, we're all going to come up short. The key is, how do you get back up and how do you learn from those mistakes? . . . But I think that the bigger issue is, don't judge any one person by their best day, don't judge them by their worst day. Look at the totality, the whole of their life, and make judgments accordingly."

WHERE THE GOP GOES FROM HERE. "In an interview, [RNC Chairman Reince] Priebus said he expects the [Republican National Committee's Growth and Opportunity Project] will recommend a more sustained effort to recruit and communicate with Republicans and potential party voters," reports Bloomberg News' John McCormick. "'The days of building up for three years and then running a short-sprint campaign are over,' he said. 'We've entered into the world of year-round campaigns, year-round messaging, year-round ground work, voter registration at a very granular level from coast to coast and that's where the Republican Party is probably going to have to go.' Discussing the party's presidential primary process, Priebus said he'd like to see fewer candidate debates than the more than 20 that were held in 2011 and 2012. He also said he wants the party to play a greater role in picking debate moderators and consider a penalty for candidates who attend unsanctioned forums."

NRA LAUNCHES LOBBYING FIGHT. Politico's Anna Palmer reports: "The NRA kept its dozen in-house lobbyists on lockdown in the first month after the Newtown massacre, but no more. The group is moving back onto Capitol Hill in force, not shying away from its take-no-prisoners message: no new gun laws. ? NRA consultants and in-house staff have been ordered to avoid the press in an effort to control their message. An NRA spokesman did not respond to several requests for comment. A source familiar with the group's plan said that in-house lobbyists and some contract lobbyists had been tasked with bringing their message up to Capitol Hill."

HOUSE SENDS SANDY AID BILL TO SENATE. ABC's John Parkinson reports: Seventy-nine days after Hurricane Sandy slammed into the Northeast, the House of Representatives voted this evening to approve about $50 billion of additional relief for the region pounded by the storm. The measure passed 241-180, mostly behind Democratic support, winning 49 votes from Republicans and 192 votes from Democrats. Just one Democrat opposed the legislation, while 179 Republicans voted against it. The base bill, known as the Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Act, included about $17 billion to fund immediate and critical needs for Sandy victims and their communities. An amendment offered by New Jersey Republican Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen to provide an additional $33 billion for disaster relief also passed, bringing the total amount of relief closer to the Obama administration's emergency supplemental request, which called for $60.4 billion in total relief.

CHRISTIE SKIPS PUBLIC FUNDING IN NJ CAMPAIGN. ABC's Shushannah Walshe reports: Unlike his 2009 campaign, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will not take public matching funds for his GOP gubernatorial primary this year. Since he announced his re-election bid in late November, the campaign has hauled in $2.139 million for his primary campaign - one in which he's not expected to have any opposition - and has $2.08 million in cash on hand, suggesting why the campaign decided to opt out of the matching-funds program.


@RyanLizza: A must-read @peterbakernyt oral history of Obama's first term: ?

@JillDLawrence: Interesting conservative view RT @DrewHampshire Union Leader editorial: The debt ceiling: Right fight, wrong time:

@charliepolitico: Only 65 markets saw any broadcast TV advertising by the Obama campaign last year

@politicalwire: Problem for GOP leaders: Majority of Americans don't want spending cuts linked to debt ceiling ?

@DoyleMcManus: #Democrats feel as if they're on a roll. But once spending cuts are on the table, their divisions will reemerge.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Softline Pastel Launches Online Portal For Cloud Apps - Ventures ...

VENTURES AFRICA- ? Softline Pastel, South Africa?s leading business and accounting software developer,?has launched its business portal ? Sage Pastel Online ? to provide entrepreneur a central location to access the company?s bouquet of cloud-based business tools that will make running a small business a little easier.

The site offers Sage Pastel?s range of online product including online accounting, payroll and marketing services that allow business owners the freedom to run their businesses at anytime from anywhere. Pastel?s BEE one-stop-information-hub, BEE123 and brand new free-to-all-users personal finance applications are also available on the website.

Managing Director of Pastel Accounting, Steven Cohen, says, ?Moving your business applications online is a must for anyone who wants to ensure that they remain at the cutting edge of service delivery.?

?Times have changed. We have entered an age where technology is pervasive, allowing us more mobility than ever ? and business has to be part of the revolution to remain competitive,? he added.

Sage Pastel launched South Africa?s first online accounting program, My Business Online through its brand- Pastel Accounting, in May 2009. Since then, it has brought several online innovations to the local SME market.

Last week, the company rolled out mobile business applications. They include; Pastel My Business Online ? ?a full-function accounting program, designed specifically for the small business owner. All accounting lingo has been changed to simple English, so even the layman can manage the business?s books. It?s a multi-user system with dashboards, graphs and drill-downs to source transactions that provide a bird?s eye view of the business. The system allows users to manage customers, suppliers and inventory items and keeps track of sales and purchases. It comes with a comprehensive list of reports so that month-end management packs are quick and easy to create.

Another product is the Pastel My Payroll Online ? a simple payroll solution that allows SME owners to pay their employees anywhere, anytime.? It?s a SARS compliant system aligned to even the most complex legislation, including PAYE and UIF. Users can also process leave online with leave types already defined according to the BCEA requirements. Like, My Business, My Payroll contains no confusing jargon.

Pastel My Webspace on the other hand is an online marketing engine for SMEs with an HTML5 website builder designed for optimal marketing and e-commerce capabilities.

In addition My Brand will manage users? search engine optimisation, and mobile and social media integration. My Brand effectively integrates everything for the user and provides an all-in-one e-marketing service with analytics, social media insights, and creating and mailing a fully dynamic newsletter with marketing feedback.

However, to champion business mobility, the company has partnered with Samsung Enterprise Mobility. As a result, selected Samsung devices will now come preloaded with the My Business Online Android app and Pastel is a reseller of Samsung?s SIII, Note and Tablet devices ? ?all preloaded with a year?s free access to Pastel My Business Online.





Oluwabusayo Sotunde is a versatile writer with interest is in business analysis, the Stock Market, book and music reviews. She also has keen interest in developmental issues, reading, adventure and innovation. Her writing experience includes stock market updates on and contributing to She also had an internship with Eko FM, Lagos (at the news and current affairs department) before proceeding to the Nigerian Institute of Journalism (NIJ) to complete her studies.

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Friday, November 9, 2012

Election system needs an overhaul, but it's not that easy (reuters)

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Top 10 foods that prevent breast cancer -Breast Cancer news-

? Breast Cancer news ? Nov 09, 2012

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has predicted that by 2020 the number of breast cancer cases will jump to an alarming figure and one in every eight women would run the risk of developing the disease in her lifetime.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) too, concluded that over the last two decades there has been a steep rise in the statistics pertaining to women being diagnosed with breast cancer. So grave is the scenario that in India, breast cancer has been declared the most common form of cancer, almost surpassing cervical cancer as the deadliest of all cancers. Early detection and regular medical-checkups are compulsory, but at the same time it is important that our diet and the food we eat prepare us to fight malignant cancer cells at the onset.

Tina Sapra, senior clinical nutritionist & coordinator with Fortis Memorial Research Institute and Dr Vandana Mathur, consulting nutritionist, Metropolis Healthcare, Mumbai, give us an insight into the top foods that can prevent breast cancer risk in women. The doctors discuss age groups most vulnerable to the disease and also inform us about the foods that should be avoided in daily diet to keep cancer cell growth in check.

Foods that prevent Breast Cancer
You can get flax either as whole seed, ground or flaxseed oil. The omega-3s, lignans and fibre found in flaxseed are found to form a protective shield against cancer cells responsible for causing breast cancer. Include flax to yogurt or a smoothie to create a richer and nutty flavour. You can add flaxseed oil to salad dressings too or integrate them into baked goods, such as cookies or muffins.

Brazil nuts
Uniquely rich in selenium, fibre, and phytochemicals, Brazil nuts can help fight inflammation, improve the immune system and prevent tumour growth. And you do not need many of them???a palmful can do the trick. Enjoy them as any other nut either with fruits or asparagus (contains the anti-cancer component, chlorophyll).

Rich source of cancer-fighting compound called allium, garlic and its relatives (onion, leeks, scallions, and chives) are shown to slow tumour growth and prevent breast cancer risk among other forms of cancer such as colorectal and prostate cancers. Garlic and onions are found in a variety of foods including Italian, Spanish, Indian, Thai and Chinese dishes. Crush or swallow a piece of garlic every morning and that?s all it takes to live a cancer-free life!

This is highly recommended for preventing breast cancer. It contains polyphenol- an ellagic acid with anti-oxidant properties that prevent cancer growth. Include this delicious fruit in your diet and discover effective health benefits.

Dark-green leafy vegetables
From kale, collards to spinach and Swiss chard, dark-green leafy vegetables probably are considered a ?one stop shop? for all the best nutrients your body needs to fend off cancerous cells, i.e. fibre, vitamin B, phytochemicals, chlorophyll and more. It?s time to add some greens to your diet.

A great source of omega-3s and vitamins B12 and D, salmon can provide your body with the nutrients it needs to regulate cell growth and prevent cancer. In fact, certain types of Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) are proven effective in cancer treatment. Steam it, bake it, grill it or saute it. This fish is a great option and pairs well with many foods like garlic, dark-green leafy vegetables, turmeric, peppers and broccoli.

Broccoli and broccoli sprouts
As a cruciferous (belonging to the plant family Cruciferae) vegetable along with cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage and kale; broccoli is rich in sulforophane and indoles, which are shown to regulate cell growth in multiple ways and help fight a range of cancers, including breast, bladder, lymphoma, prostate and lung cancer.



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Monday, October 29, 2012

Massive storm wreaks havoc on presidential race

CELINA, Ohio (AP) ? Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama frantically sought to close the deal with voters with precious few days left in an incredibly close race as this year's October surprise ? an unprecedented storm menacing the East Coast ? wreaked havoc on their best laid plans.

Ever mindful of his narrow path to the requisite 270 electoral votes, Romney looked to expand his map, weighing an intensified effort in traditionally left-leaning Minnesota. Obama sought to defend historically Democratic turf as the race tightened heading into the final week.

Wary of being seen as putting their political pursuits ahead of public safety, the two White House hopefuls reshuffled their campaign plans as the storm approached. Both candidates were loath to forfeit face time with voters in battleground states like Virginia, which is likely to be afflicted when Hurricane Sandy, a winter storm and a cold front collide to form a freak hybrid storm.

"The storm will throw havoc into the race," said Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., noting that a Monday rally in his state with Obama and former President Bill Clinton has already been canceled.

Obama, preparing to depart for Florida a day early to beat the storm, followed up a morning church service with his daughters with a visit to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's headquarters, where the president was briefed before speaking by phone to governors and mayors in affected states. Hours before rainfall was expected to begin, Obama declared a state of emergency in Maryland, freeing up federal funds to aid local response efforts.

"Anything they need, we will be there," Obama said. "And we are going to cut through red tape. We are not going to get bogged down with a lot of rules. We want to make sure that we are anticipating and leaning forward into making sure that we've got the best possible response to what is going to be a big and messy system."

An opportunity for Obama to demonstrate steady leadership in the face of a crisis was offset by the risk that the federal government, as in past emergencies, could be faulted for an ineffective response, with the president left to take the fall.

Obama canceled campaign stops Monday in Virginia and Tuesday in Colorado to monitor the storm but planned to go forward with other events Monday in Florida and Ohio, with Clinton at his side. He planned to return to Ohio on Wednesday with stops in Cincinnati and Akron, followed by a Thursday swing through Springfield, Ohio; Boulder, Colo.; and Las Vegas.

Romney nixed three stops in up-for-grabs Virginia on Sunday, opting instead to campaign with running mate Paul Ryan in Ohio before heading Monday to Wisconsin, where the former Massachusetts governor has chipped away at Obama's lead.

"Let's today when we get home put in our prayers the people who are in the East Coast in the wake of this big storm that's coming," Ryan said in Celina, Ohio.

As Ryan discussed the approaching end of the race, the crowd erupted with chants of "nine more days."

Also vexing to Obama and Romney was the prospect that bad weather could hinder early voting and get-out-the-vote efforts, key components for both campaigns in the waning days of the campaign.

"Obviously, we want unfettered access to the polls, because we think the more people that come out, the better we're going to do," said David Axelrod, a top adviser to Obama's campaign. "To the extent that it makes it harder, that's a source of concern."

Boarding Romney's campaign bus in Dayton, Ohio, Sen. Rob Portman hedged when asked whether the storm could affect turnout in his hotly contested state: "We'll see. On early voting, it might."

Signs of the storm's enormity were quickly mounting. New York City prepared to shut down its mass transit system and ordered some residents to evacuate, while governors from North Carolina to Connecticut declared states of emergency. Airlines canceled more than 3,000 flights in anticipation of the hurricane, which has already killed more than 60 people in the Caribbean.

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, whose state is among the most competitive in the race, said intensive contingency plans would prevent the storm from undermining voters' ability to cast their ballots.

"We've got about 2,000 additional people that are coming into Virginia to help our power suppliers," said McDonnell, a top Romney ally. "The state board of elections is already planning for extended hours in advance for absentee voting, and it's now a priority, moved up to the same level as hospitals and police stations to have power restored."

Getting voters to the polls ? whether early or on Election Day ? is one of the few elements of the race still in the candidates' control with little more than a week left in the race. Although Romney and Obama are in a close contest for the popular vote, the president continues to have the upper hand in the handful of contested states where the victor will be decided. An Associated Press analysis shows Romney has fewer routes than Obama to reach the 270 electoral votes he needs to oust the incumbent, although the Republican has pulled even, or is slightly ahead, in a few pivotal states like Virginia and Florida.

With time running out, both campaigns appeared to be fine-tuning their map of the states where they're campaigning the hardest.

A senior Republican official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to disclose private deliberations, said Sunday that the Romney team was seriously discussing sending Romney, Ryan or both to Minnesota during the final week. The state hasn't gone Republican in the presidential race since 1972, but recent polling shows a tighter race there than most anticipated. Both campaigns are buying TV time in the state, but neither has dispatched a member of the ticket for a public event since Vice President Joe Biden visited in August.

In a flashback to the 2008 race, Obama's campaign announced that Biden will campaign Thursday in Pennsylvania, reprising a visit to his hometown of Scranton that he made during the final week four years ago. Pennsylvania too has been Democratic territory in recent years, but Romney has continued to contest the state, with an advertising assist from the Republican Party.

Eager to show energy and momentum on their side, both teams took to the Sunday talk shows to quibble over which candidate is faring better in state-level efforts to get supporters to the polls.

"Our people are coming out," said Stephanie Cutter, Obama's deputy campaign manager. "Ohio, Florida, the first day of early voting in Florida yesterday ? record numbers of people are coming out to vote. It's something like we've never, ever seen. And that's a sign."

Reince Priebus, the GOP chairman, pointed to recent gains for Romney that have lifted him to a virtual tie in most national polls. "The challenger always wins in a tie race," he said.

Axelrod, Priebus and McDonnell spoke on CNN's "State of the Union." Warner spoke on "Fox News Sunday" and Cutter on ABC's "This Week."


Lederman reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Philip Elliott in Ohio, Brian Bakst in Minnesota, and Jim Kuhnhenn and Julie Pace in Washington contributed to this report.



Federal emergency storm information:


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

UK energy department to hold public enquiry against proposed wind farms in Wales

CTBR Staff Writer Published 24 October 2012

The UK Department of energy and climate change will conduct a public enquiry into the applications for consent to build five new onshore wind farms in Powys, Mid-Wales.

The enquiry has been initiated following complaints by the Powys County Council in September 2012 against to CeltPower 125MW Llandinam scheme, Fferm Wynt Llaithddu Cyf's 66.7MW Llaithddu scheme and RES UK & Ireland's 100MW Llanbrynmair scheme.

Powys County Council had earlier raised objections against Vattenfall's 59.MW Llanbadarn Fynydd scheme and RWE npower renewables' 130-250MW Carnedd Wen scheme.

All of the above farms will now face a joint public inquiry.

Commenting on the developments Department of Energy and Climate Change spokesperson remarked that process of planning for the wind warms had a mechanism that allows objections for wind farms to be raised.

"Due to the County Council's objections to these five wind farm proposals for Mid-Wales, the Government has decided that evidence on the benefits and impacts of these proposals is best considered at a joint public inquiry for all five applications," said the spokesperson.


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